The 10 Best Bible Study Books

There is no substitute for reading your Bible. Christians draw strength and comfort from reading the word of God and as a Christian, the Bible should be your constant companion, however, reading the Bible is...

What Does The Bible say About Bullying?

It probably won’t surprise you to learn that the Bible does not mention bullying by name, but it certainly has a lot to say about the type of un-Christian behavior of which bullying is a part...

What Does The Bible Say About TikTok?

TikTok is seductive, and like the snake in the garden, it whispers in our ears. The more you use it, the better it gets to know you, serving up just what you want, ceaselessly feeding your appetite. It encourages us to compare ourselves to others, to covet earthly possessions, to show off, to be vain. Consider what Saint Paul says to the Galatians...

How To Reconnect With God

Is your life like a blur of Tik Tok videos, flashing by faster and faster, never stopping, never giving you time to focus on what is most important in your life: the Lord your God? We have made our lives so full of distraction; so many things that we think are important; so many things that are not important at all. If you feel that you have become disconnected from God, do not despair...

How Can The Bible Help Us Avoid Sin?

We are all sinners, but we can all be saved. You will sometime hear people speak of the ‘Seven Deadly Sins’, but it is not a phrase, which appears in the Bible. It is a list of sins first identified by Pope Gregory in the sixth century and later refined by Saint Thomas Aquinas in the 13th century. Sin is anything, which is a deliberate violation of the will of God, but the list of seven is a helpful way for us to reflect on sin, so let us consider them...

Are Your Parents Always Right? How The Bible Can Help You Make The Right Decisions

There’s nothing sinful about disagreeing with your parents. Each generation grows up in a different world than the one in which their parents were raised. Each generation sees things a little differently. One thing, however, remains constant, the fifth commandment...

What is the True Meaning of Easter? And How Can We Celebrate Easter As Christians?

Easter is the story of death and resurrection; it is brutal and it is miraculous and despite the chocolate eggs and Easter bunnies the magnitude of its central importance to the Christian faith cannot be obscured by commercial exploitation. The Easter story is why we are Christians...

Looking For Love? Trust In God That He Has A Plan

Life is easier when we have a companion, someone to pick us up when we fall, to keep us warm at night, but that does not mean that being single is wrong or that we should find a partner at all costs...

What Does The Bible Say About Valentine’s Day?

Nowhere in the Bible is there mention of Saint Valentine’s Day and that’s because Saint Valentine wasn’t born until after the Bible was written. Of course, as every Christian knows, the Bible has a great deal to say about love and we’ll take a look at that in a while, but first let’s consider what we know about this saint.